
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Snow agility rocks!

Yesterday it was just a little bit warmer outside, about 27 degrees, so Mum, Gracie and I got in a little snow agility! Gotta tell ya, I just loved it. Gracie and I both did 10 sets of weaves each, then Gracie worked on some jump and distance work.

Mum has been using my absolute favorite 5" basketball (the one that stays in the yard, year around) to get me all revved up. I jump and lunge and growl to get that ball. And Mum growls back at me, love that! Then she throws me into the weaves, where I barrel through (Mum thinks, I'm getting a bit faster), and then she throws the basketball as my reward. Love, love, love it!

With Gracie, since she is more food motivated and Mum is working some to get her a little more toy motivated, Mum has been putting Gracie's treats in a little Rubbermaid container. She rattles it, and get Gracie all revved up for the weaves. Gracie, with her wacky ways of ramming through the weaves, gets her treat container thrown as her reward. Gracie is loving it! And we think she may be getting faster in the weaves too.

Mum's also using Gracie's treat container as a throw to go on with jumps and other obstacles too.

The snow agility in this cold is lots more harder on Mum than us. It's harder for her to run with no claws like us, and it's harder for her to breath. We're just hoping she won't need a Seattle injury lawyer after our practice. BOL!

So today we're hoping that it will be a little warmer, again like the weather man says it's supposed to be. I'd love to get more snow agility in.


  1. Hi Johann,
    How are you doing? Agility in the cold sounds too cold for me, but my new brother Bear (he's an Aussie) is trying to learn how to play frisbee. I bet you could teach him a few moves!

  2. We have been doing a little snow agility too! Today is our first day above freezing since I don't know when! Finally snow is melting and you know what that means - MUD!!!!

  3. my snow is melting... but I had fun while it lasted..
    your pal Morgan


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