
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog is my new sponsor!

The other day I got another package in the mail. This time it was from my good friend, Sparkles, the Fire Safety Dog!

You may remember me talking about Sparkles in the past. She lives in Clarksville, Arkansas and has a very important job. She visits with children at schools and at events, and helps them learn all about fire safety. Now she's an author! She sent me a copy of her new book, along with her paw-to-graph - and I have to tell ya, it's cool!

Here's a vid of Sparkles doing her great work!

Now here's the coolest part! Sparkles asked us the other day if she could be one of my sponsors! And I said, doggone it, of course., we'd love it! So if you, your friends, or members of your family, click on this link and purchase Sparkles new book, a portion of the sales of the book will benefit my agility fund! And for those that tell Sparkles that Johann sent 'em, Sparkles has agreed to pawtograph their copy too! Remember, you have to use this link, K?

Now how cool is that? So be sure and tell all your friends, your family members, your neighbors and anyone else you can think of that have little two-leggers. They will absolutely love this book! We took it over to our neighbors the other day, and their boys loved it; and they loved Sparkles! (Well, who wouldn't?). And the book has super important messages that all pawrents need to help their kids understand.

Thanks Sparkles, we sure are glad you decided to sponsor me. Looking forward to helping you get the word on fire safety to the little ones!


  1. Oooh, Sparkles & her Mom are the greatest! Sparkles is sooo smart & her book is just amazing! W received a copy of it too. I love her theme song!!!

    Butt wiggles,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  2. Congrats on the new sponsor. Sounds like some important work is being done by sparkles.

    To let you know, I added your site to my blogroll,finally.

    See you on Twitter soon.


Thanks for barking in!