
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Shoplifting dog identified and pardoned!

Hey remember that shoplifting dog in Murray, Utah around the holidays? Well, seems he's not homeless, and is quite the smart pup!

According to ohmidog!...
After seeing the video, the Stirling family of Murray suspected their dog — an 11-year-old Husky named Akira — was the culprit, and drove her down to the store so that she could be positively identified.
Akira had broken through an e-fence, and walked 6 miles to the store to pick up that rawhide, can you believe it? Then she walked the 6 miles home to enjoy her stash. Luckily the store pardoned her :)


  1. Too funny. Too funny!
    Hugs & Snugs
    Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

  2. LOL that is funny! I need to meet this husky girl and have her take me shopping! She lives close!

  3. Who says cats are smarter than us pups?!

    woofs, Kharma

  4. Six miles each way!

    That is one determined Dog.

  5. Thats pretty cool! he should borrow the car the next time though.

  6. Hahahaha! Well, she's one very lucky culprit!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Stuffed from eating a BIG feast,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  7. Thanks for the amusing story. It's good to know the follow-up to the original story and realise it's a loved and cared-for pet.


Thanks for barking in!