
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fun Games - Go to your Mark!

I don't know about you, but I love playing games with my Mum. Not only do I get treats, but I learn new stuff that helps me be a happier, healthier pup. This new game is called "Go to your Mark."

Mum put down a a piece of tape on the floor and the goal is for me to go to the mark and then do what she tells me. So far I can go to my mark, lie down, and then sit up, and we're working on more distance behaviors.

Wadda ya think? If I can hit my mark, I can be in the movies now, huh?

This is the second video in our series of Fun Games you can play with your dog! Our first one features Gracie - "Turn off the Light"! Enjoy!


  1. That's a good game. I think you can be in movies, it's all about hitting your mark.


  2. Love this game, Johann! And you are so good at it!

  3. Hey Johann! Grrreat trick! Be looking fur it on arr blog on Monday night!

    Gus and Waldo

  4. That's really good! You're so enthusiastic in this video. You do it really well & I love how your Mom praises you.

    Belly jiggles,
    Solid Gold Dancer

  5. Great video clip and great trick! I hope you are going to post lots more in this series.

  6. Very good Johann!
    Bravo! You hit your mark like a total pro, you are a very talented pup. But I know that YOU know that already.


Thanks for barking in!