
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Around the dog -o-sphere!

It's time for my occasional post - around the dog-o-sphere. Have lots of interesting stuff to share that folks have emailed me, or I've found hanging out on the Internet lately. Gotta hurry, it's time for breakfast, so here goes!


One of my favorite agility trainers to watch, Silvia Trkman, has some fairly new info on her website. One is a new pawsome heeling video, and here she shares her technique for training her heeling.

Heeling Video from Silvia Trkman on Vimeo.

Here are a few more vids of Silvia, mostly from seminars she did in March:

Teaching cik/cap
A few runs with La (watch that teeter, yikes!)
Reviewing her running contact method
Some agility with La & Bu, and low jump agility/tunnel and contact work with Bi
And she shared a link - big dogs can do running contacts.

Here are a few videos from a Silas Boogk seminar last August, 1, 2, 3. Interesting stuff.

If you'd like to set up some super difficult courses, we found tons of European course maps here. Click on the links at the top for some interesting stuff. We even translated the page for you :)

Into dog sports and looking for a new dog car? The folks at Honda are looking for you! They unveiled their new Honda Element this week, and it's got not only tons of room, but a few handy dandy dog gadgets included!

Other Stuff

If you're looking to take your pup out to the ballgame, here's a site that lists Dog Days at a few major league venues - including White Sox, Giants, Oakland A's, and more.

You know how much of a proponent we are of knowing CPR for your dog? We were super glad to hear that after being hit by a car, and not breathing, Prince's neighbor performed CPR on him and brought him back to life. Gotta love that!

Our good friends over at Affordable Agility (where I buy a lot of my agility equipment) have a new blog and they are running a cool contest. This week you can tell them your beginner dog agility story and enter to win a competition adjustable jump!

Love this! Handicapped Pets now rents WalkinWheels for short term rehab/recovery use! Before you would have to purchase them and they are expensive!

The city of Girona, Spain, is putting some great new (well if you're a dog) laws on the books including a fine for not walking the dog, or bathing them in public. Oddities? Or sign of the times?

First they battle over the dog in divorce court, now a couple in Michigan is battling over frozen dog sperm, what's next?

I was honored the other day to be featured Squidoo lensmaster on the SquidLog blog, thanks to my friend MiMi. And Gracie even got in a mention this time :)

My Mum was featured in an article in Pet Style News this month, talking about how pet boutiques can feature and promote eco-friendly and green products for Earth Day, which is coming up on April 22nd! Proud of her!

And she and I have both been Twittering away! If you're not familiar with Twitter, check out Mum's blog post. And if you'd like to follow me, or my Mum, or even Raise a Green Dog, just click on our name and follow along. Folks liked our Twitter page backgrounds so much a few of them hired us to do theirs, cool!

This month is the ASPCA's Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. Be sure and stop over to their site, and check out all the info, goodies, and more that they have. For their kick-off on April 7th, I went orange on Twitter (my avatar) to support this worthy cause. I caused a ruckus over there, everyone wanted to know why I was hot looking, BOL!

Did you hear about the castaway dog who swam six miles through shark-infested waters, then survived four months on a desert island? Wow Sophie Tucker's got it all over Tom Hanks, maybe they'll make a movie?

If you're in the UK, the search is on for Britian's Most Talented Pet! Do you have what it takes?

Recall Alert! Stoneyfield Farm (which is the yogurt I eat, btw) is recalling specific fat free plain yogurt due to presence of food grade sanitizer. I'm really glad Mum gets me the low fat, this sounds awful! May not make a human sick, but what about a four legger?

Not since Winged Migration have I been this excited about a non-dog movie, BOL! Disneynature's EARTH hits theaters this coming Earth Day, April 22! Check out Raise a Green Dog for more info, it's gonna be cool.

OK, that's it for now!

Happy Easter and Passover! And make sure you pups stay out of the candy and stuff, K?


  1. Happy Easter Johann and Gracie!
    your pal, Morgan

  2. Hi Johann , Hi Gracie

    Great post ... :)

    Happy Easter
    Boa Pascoa de Portugal

  3. Happee Eestur! Tanks fur all of da links!

    Gus and Waldo

  4. Mom's having fun trying to make sense out of that German course map with the translation to English! With her limited German it's a challenge, she's thinking that Google isn't the best vehicle for translating agility terms...

    But what do I know I'm half Swedish myself --



Thanks for barking in!