
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blooming time!

Check out the pawsome tulips Mum picked this morning and added to our office! Aren't they beautimous!!! (I like that word, it means beautiful and fabulous at the same time :)

Lots of our plants and shrubs are starting to pop out. Pretty soon, I'd say in a few weeks, our incredible lilacs are gonna overtake the corner of the yard near the fence gate. Oddly, though, this year was tough on our forsythia - too much frost at the wrong times and they aren't going to bloom this year. We'll miss that!

But we think our clematis is going to be much bigger and gorgeous this year, and hopefully bloom lots more. Sometimes Mum thinks the clematis blooms look a little like pearls jewelry in the center. Just beautiful.

Our hydrangeas are starting to leaf out as well. They were so gorgeous last year, and hope they do well this year too, because the plants are twice as big. Mum picked some of the dried blooms off last fall and added them to the wreath on our front door. It's a grape vine twine wreath, with all kinds of dried flowers and blooms from our yard. Pretty cool if you ask me and we get lots of compliments on it, because it's so unique!

We absolutely love Spring, all the new life, birds gathering up items from our yard for their nests, and the bunnies, oh the bunnies this year are everywhere. They are driving us herders, crazy!!!

Hope you are enjoying your Spring and all the beauty that comes with it!


  1. Gorgeous! Tulips are my favorite flowers. Unfortunately, they aren't easy to grow here in TX.

  2. We love spring, too!! More time OUTSIDE!! Your tulips are soo pretty!

    Gus and Waldo

  3. Our tulips are just buds right now. But our forsythia is wonderful and we'll enjoy it for you!

    My sis Zelda and I are enjoying the robin that bathes every morning in Mom's pond--he's especially fun to chase. We don't like the way the scrub jay taunts us from the cedar tree though!

  4. Beautiful tulips! Our forsythia didn't bloom this year either. And a lot of flowering trees in our neighborhood are not blooming much. We didn't know if it was frost or the drought last summer or maybe somehow even the September windstorm?


Thanks for barking in!