
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hanging around!

Since it finally stopped raining after three days, and the weather turned nice, we got to have some fun outside! Yesterday we got to go on a small little hike down by the river. Super fun, and lots of yummy smells to investigate. Here we are in the car on the way to the river, can't wait!!! (Since it was only a few blocks, Mum let us ride in the back seat, cools!)

When we finally got there, Mum made us sit for a photo. We didn't want to, we were raring to go! But we obliged with some treat persuading!

Here I am on the trail, checkout the cool little wild flowers!

After the hike it was back to work on the 'puter. Here I am with my new little netbook, just the right size for a little guy like me.

Then Gracie and I got in some zoomin' and wrestlin' time. Gracie's gonna need one of those cool cheap wigs after I get done with her, BOL!!

Then it was time for a little love on my target. Hide that thing will ya Mum, I wanna find it!

And just a tad work on my running dogwalk. Mum's lovin' where I'm hitting it!

Then it was time to take a break. Such a nice day I just had to hang out on the patio!

Hope you all have a pawsome weekend! We hope to do more of this today...Woofs!


  1. i cant remember the last time i dropped by...just want to say I'm glad you girls are doing as well as ever!

  2. what a great day! I got my surprise - stop by and meet my new sis!
    your pal, Morgan

  3. Nice Johann! Looks like an awesome day! I'm always hangin' out with the human hambones in my life -- check it out at -- but your day looks like a total blast!

  4. Can you believe how hot it is this weekend? Crazy! I was just getting used to warmer spring weather and now this summer weather all of a sudden! Too hot for me!

    Looks like you and Gracie had a great walk and lots of fun in your backyard! I love the photo of you chilling out on the brick patio! You're too cool, Johann!

  5. cheap wigs - Ha Ha. She would look cool in a red one! The back seat - my research shows thats the funest place. But I have to wear one of those plug in seat belt things.
    your pal, Morgan


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