
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Big news! Raise a Green Dog has grown!

I've been a bad, bad doggie blogger, it's been over a week since my last post. But I have a reason!

Mum and I are super proud to announce that our Raise a Green Dog blog has grown, just like all happy and healthy green pups should.

Our blog has turned into a full website with tips, tricks, information and an extensive online green dog product portal for the green, or aspiring green, dog! So now you can find all kinds of information about living a green dog life and lots of hard to find products that are safe, and healthy for us pups! It doesn't have garden urns, but it has just about everything else!

And the other cool thing is that I've started a Green Dog club! If you're green be sure and check out the opportunity to take the Green Dog Pledge, show your commitment to being green and join my club! And if you'd like to showoff your 'greenness' on your site there are super cool website banners you can add to your blog or website too!

I want to thank my Mum for all the hard work (under my direction, clicking and treating of course) in putting together the website. I think she did a pretty doggone good job for being a newbie website creator. Hey Mum, you get a nice raw marrow bone, thanks!

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