
Monday, July 27, 2009


Gracie, Mum and I had a fantastic day yesterday...We got to do agility!

We met up with our bud Cash (that's his photo below) and his Mom who invited us to come out to their house and play agility. When we got there we were amazed at their place. I think it may have been about 5 acres of fields with an agility course set up in the corner. Can you say buggy eyes?

That's us in the car waiting for Mum to stop talking and start the party!

I have to tell ya that I think it's been November since we've been on somewhat of a full course, and Mum wasn't exactly sure what to expect from either of us, or her. But she was super proud of us.

I got to run first, and Mum of course couldn't wait to see now I handled a full lowered dogwalk. It wasn't perfect, but not too bad. I bailed a couple of times, but mostly I made it into the yellow, maybe a bit further back than Mum would have liked, but I had a few nice ones right smack in the middle. So Mum was pleased.

It wasn't until she got out the cheddar cheese that I really started to bail. She wanted to see how I would react more in a trial environment, which cheese will do for me. We still have a lot of work to do, and we know we have to work more on turning after the dogwalk. So back to practice we go.

We worked some on distance, some on tight turns, and the like. Mum was super pleased with everything I did, especially my frame and tight turns. I was as fast in the first run as I was in the last one four hours later. Guess all that backyard work, body work and conditioning is really paying off.

Then it was Gracie's turn. You'll see in the vid, after a bit of a ruff start when she lost her brain just a little, she really got into it. She bailed her first dogwalk, so Mum helped her the rest of the day by throwing a treat bag. She missed some weave entrances, but made most of them. And her speed through them wasn't too bad.

Mum loved many of her frames, total running with no bailing. Loved her tight turns. And she got more and more focused as the hours went by. Mum couldn't have asked for more from the Grace-ster. Good job, girly!

It's been a while since Mum has run that much in one day, so we expect her to be sore, today; especially since she had to mow the lawn when we got home!

We want to thank our bud Cash and his Mom for letting us come out to play. Not doing a full type of course for that long had really worn on us. We were getting manic and cranky. And spending a day doing agility with a good friend was just what we needed. We are grateful!!!!!

Enjoy the videos! (Here's mine)


  1. Johann I was so happy to see you and Gracie and your mum out there running on a real course! How awesome! You looked really fast and happy to be out there! Faster than I remember you running in a long time! And Gracie looked great too! Mom couldn't believe how much your mum ran and ran and ran! How did she do that? Mom can't run for more than 30 sec. at a time! BOL!

    Your friend has a beautiful place for agility! Wouldn't it be amazing to have a backyard like that? Maybe someday???

    Hope you get to go there again!

  2. PS. That's so weird - I was leaving you a comment at the exact same time you were leaving one for me! Oh, the synchronicity of it all!


Thanks for barking in!