
Friday, February 19, 2010

Gettin' their prizes!!!

Hey, you guys remember Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway that we did last December? Well, folks have been getting their prizes in the mail, and starting to blog about them. We couldn't resist sharing some of the photos and blog post links.

Check out Peyton, spotty dog, gettin into his bunch of loot! Peyton was the first place winner in the Giveaway.

Friend Ludo, got his package clear across the pond. Here he is wearing one of the prizes, his EzyDog Element Coat. Looking good Ludo!

Second Place winner, Kaley Corgi, got her bunches of loot in the mail and blogged about it the other day. Visit Kaley's blog to see what they're up to!

Also great to get an email from Lilly that all her stuff arrived safely! Check out Lilly in her new Dog Tag Art collar, and visit her blog for some other cool stuff she won.

Wow, have to say if I got all that loot and treats, Mum would have to put me on diet supplements, BOL! Oh, and we're still a little ways away from reaching goal on raising a few bucks for my former shelter, The Southside Animal Shelter. If you or someone you know can spare a few, it sure would be appreciated! And we thank everyone who already contributed! You RAWK!!!


  1. What PAWSOME prizes everyone received. Everypup looks VERY happy!
    Good job!
    Ernie, Sasha, Chica

  2. as soon as mom stops moving snow around, as there seems to be no really good place to put it, and stops leaving for work early, and coming home late, all because of "the too much stinkin' snow" we will show you our pictures of the swell stuff we won. Thanks, again!
    Your pals, Morgan & Maisie


Thanks for barking in!