
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On one of our quick walks....scoping out a place for agility!

About three to four times a day we take a quick walk, to potty and stretch our legs.

First we head down the lane...

Passing the horse pasture (with the horses :). Lots of good smells around here...

Then we usually walk around the open barn (with lots of maintenance equipment in it, and a stray friendly cat too :) and head toward the pastures (without horses).

We walk through the first pasture, and then cross the little bridge over the creek into the second pasture.

Here's the second pasture, the largest of all of them. This is where Mum thinks our agility field would be a great place to set up.

The area Mum is thinking of is just to the right of me in this photo (below). It's not wet like the 1st pasture and has some really nice flat areas, near some trees (with that weird adult acne all over the trunk, BOL), that would work well for shade. Good grass growing there too. And it's not too far from the cabin, where we could still have a potty and small workout area.

Oh the possibilities!!!!


  1. Hey! Hope you're enjoying your new adventure!! Sounds like you're in a nice area.

  2. It's all so pretty! Love the walk down the lane! Your own agility field will be just too awesome!

  3. I can tell you guys are just itchin' to get off leash! Can't wait to see your agility course.
    your pal, Morgan

  4. I've only visited TN, but it really is a nice place. It looks like you picked a nice place to settle.

  5. We are so glad you are getting settled in. It looks like you have lot's of wonderful place to go and explore. Have fun!

    Emma Rose


Thanks for barking in!