
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our first official hike!

Last Friday, it was 75 degrees and sunny in the afternoon. Mum had gotten a lot of work done throughout the week, while it was cloudy, rainy and cooler, and she was feeling better from that little sinus infection (which I thought she got over very quickly, good girl!). So Friday, we grabbed the opportunity to get in our first official hike on the property!

We started down the lane to our mailbox. It's about a mile there and a mile back, so makes for a nice little path walk.

After we got the mail and dropped it back off at the house, we started out on our hike down the path to the pasture (without horses) and the woods path beyond. On the way is a little creek we soaked our paws in to cool off a little.

We stopped a bit to take in the scenery. Here is the pasture (without horses). This is the one Mum thinks would be a good place for our agility field.

We walked a bit, and heard lots of frogs croaking. As we got closer they stopped of course. They were at the first pond we found on the property. A smaller one created to absorb some of the run off from the mountain above.

Here's another one of the ponds we found. This one is larger. We saw a duck land, just as we walked up. Love how they ski to a stop when they land on the water :)

Between this second pond and the third pond coming up, we found some tracks, from a deer and one of the vehicles that are used to maintain this area of the property. Mum and I need to bone up on we can identify more!

Then we came up on the third pond we found on the property. This one is nestled in a very wooded area. It looks a lot deeper than the others. This one also has some algae in it, so Mum didn't let us go in. You know what they say about blue-green algae in ponds, right? Bad stuff.

Then we headed up the ridge. Kind of a steep walk up to this ridge. Worked Mum's bum, BOL!!!

There are so many smells out here I just can't tell ya!!! This spot was particular interesting to both me and Gracie. We swear some of these logs need a skin id to see if they have a disease or something, BOL!!!

Then we got to flat land again, and walked through the pasture to the other side, where there is another ridge we want to explore another time. But we were out for about two hours, and Mum didn't want to wear herself out too much. Gracie and I could have gone on furever!

Remember I told you about how Mum is letting me free to drag my leash when we get into some of the most familiar places nearer our cabin. Here I am leading Mum up our lane from the other direction, back to our cabin.

Mum was pleased...she finally wore us out a little :) It's been tough keeping us busy, active and tired since we don't have a fence yet.

Just give us more days like this Mum and we'll be happy!!!


  1. Wow - it's just so gorgeous there! You all are living in paradise!

  2. that's the kind of stuff we get to do when we go see cousin Rocky in central PA, except we never get to go for miles and miles.. hey! we are getting cheated!
    your pals, Morgan & Maisie

  3. Looks like you guys had a nice hike. And the tracks that you saw are from a deer.


Thanks for barking in!