
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

We're moving to Tennessee!

You may have been wondering why I haven't been able to visit all your blogs lately, for which I feel really bad and miss discovering what you all are up to!!! But we've got a good reason!

We are getting ready to move to Tennessee, and doggie heaven!

It's always been a dream of mine, Gracie's and Mum's to have a little cabin, in the woods, in a little warmer climate, where we can do lots and lots of hiking nearly year around, and have an area for an agility ring, that's not too far from lots and lots of dog agility trials.

We finally decided to take the plunge! And we found a pawsome place with 8 acres of open fields, next to 100 acres of woods for hiking, not too far from the mountains for even more pawsome hiking, and within a couple of hours of lots and lots of agility trials.

This is a photo of the area where we're going to live from Google Earth, click to bigify. You can see the open area where the cabin is in the middle, and all the surrounding woods.

So we'll be moving in about a week or two. Can you tell I'm excited!!!

At our new place I can't wait to do lots and lots of this....

And of course lots and lots of this....

The first order of business when we get there is for Mum to put up a temporary fence area for us to potty next to the cabin...and then on another part of the land put up a nice size agility ring and get all our equipment out there so we can get back to training. And of course get our 'puters all hooked up and working, so Mum can get some work done with her clients and doing insurance marketing, wait...that's not right, she does pet business marketing consulting, BOL!!! Anyways...

Then once we get settled we'll have lots more time to visit with folks...since we won't have to spend all that time finding a place, packing my toys and gear, calling moving companies and getting rid of stuff we don't need anymore.

So, we may be out of touch for a week or two, but will have lots and lots of stuff to share about our moving experience and our new place!

I have to say that I think this is going to be a pawsome adventure! Hey Mum, are we there yet???


  1. WooHoo! Johann - sounds like an awesome place and a great big adventure!! Have a safe, safe trip there and we can't wait to see pictures of your new place!

  2. That's such exciting news! Hope your move goes well and we'll look forward to hearing about your adventures in Tennessee.

  3. OMD Johann, you is SOOOOOO lucky! You be living everydog's dream!

  4. We hope everything goes smoothly with your move,and you are hiking and doing agility really soon. What a great adventure! Can't wait to see pictures of your new agility course!
    your pals, Morgan & Maisie

  5. WOW - that is BIG news!! Congrats on your new home! Looking forward to reading about your new adventures.

  6. Good luck with this wonderfully exciting move!

  7. Your happy news is exactly what I needed today. Have fun and be safe during your move.

  8. Tennessee is a beautiful place! Eight acres!!!!! Wow, you lucky dog :) We have 3 acres and it is not near enough, so 8 sounds heavenly. Your new house/cabin is going to be so fun. I can't wait to hear/see all about it when you get settled.

    Emma Rose

  9. It is good to hear your dream came true. Tennessee is a great place. Good Luck with your move!


Thanks for barking in!