
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung here in Tennessee!

The neat thing is that all of Mum's favorites are all growing here too, including Tulips, Irises, Daffodils, Forsythia, Redbuds, Bradford Pears and lots more. We get to see them on our trips and hikes. Here I am checking out some of the tulips. Nice color!

We also get to see more species too, including lots and lots of Dogwoods. Mum planted a Dogwood in our yard before I was born, but being away from the woods edge it just got too much sun and dry and didn't survive. But they are everywhere here!

Here's a little close up of one of the flowers from one of the Dogwoods we see on our hikes. The bark of the trees have lots of mossy stuff on 'em, looks like they need an acne cleanser, BOL!!!

There is also a Redbud on the property that we are enjoying!

And out on our hikes we see lots of woodland flowers. We couldn't yet identify this one for certain, but think it's a Dwarf Cinquefoil.

Here's a blue one - we think from research this is called a Common Blue Violet. Guess we coulda guessed that one :)

Best we can identify, these are Glade Bluets, and they are everywhere!

The woodland ferns are starting to pop up. Mum remembers these from the woods behind the house she grew up in during her pup years.

We saw these blooms yesterday on a deciduous tree. Don't know if it was a vine running through it that was blooming or they were the blooms of the tree, but they were all over it!

We are having so much fun seeing all the blooming here just like we did at home.

Oh forgot!!!

We spotted this little guy in our backyard a day last week, pecking away at a dead log that's now used as a border where we park our Discovery. We found out that he's a Pileated Woodpecker, and that we were very lucky to see and catch him on camera!

Then a couple of nights later, we were hanging out on the couch, Mum was working on the 'puter, I looked at the window and saw a big (heck, didn't know what it was) guy flying around outside, and started barking my fool head off. First I thought it was a bat...but at closer look we discovered it was a Luna Moth.

None of us had ever seen one. They are big and very beautiful! Here's a photo we found on the Internets!

Very cool! Hope you are enjoying your Spring!!!


  1. Hi Johann! Haven't heard from you in awhile and was hoping you all are doing well and enjoying your new home! Lots of good pictures there - the one of the pileated is awesome - we've seen them but never gotten such a good photo! And luna moths are so beautiful but we've never seen one here! How cool! The spring flowers and trees are really beautiful this year and early due to all that warm weather - we have irises that started blooming today.

    Tell your mum Hi and we hope she isn't working too hard!

    Take care my friend!

  2. Hi Johann, Those are some awesome flowers (we love the dogwoods:) but the moth is amazing!

  3. The dwarf cinquefoil looked like it might be related to strawberries.


Thanks for barking in!