
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Some agility you don't see everyday!

We just love finding pups and people having lots of fun doing agility; even when it's an unusual breed for the sport.

Here's some agility you just don't see everyday. This is Flash the Basset Hound.

This is Panda, the Saint Bernard!

And then there's Morgan, the agility Mastiff, who seems to really enjoy his runs :)

And of course who wouldn't love Mr. Bojangles, the Great Dane, doing the 60 weave pole challenge in under 18 seconds :)

They may need some safety glasses to get through those tunnels, but I think it's just so cool that they are out there with their pawrents having a grand ole time enjoying agility, no matter what the breed!

One last one, this is DJ, a Borzoi, competing in his first agility trial, nice job!


  1. Mr. BoJangles is pretty awesome! We have a fairly nice mixed group of dogs doing agility out our way. There are several danes, a basset hound, and plethora of other non-traditional breeds. It's a lot of fun!

  2. Wow!

    I've shared this with blog furiends from some of those non-traditional agility breeds!

  3. Yes Khyra sent us the link - we just loved seeing the basset hound do agility.
    Too many basset hounds get a name for lazing out being couch potatoes but we can be very active!
    We loved seeing that video.
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  4. Sorry we were in our email account!

  5. What a fun post! The basset was my favourite, but I loved them all!

  6. Wow! Those were incredible videos. I really think of basset hounds as slow dogs but not that one! I was afraid he was gonna trip on his ears though.

    I confess though the Borzoi was incredible - I loved watching his tail go and he was so graceful for just a giant doggie. Thanks for sharing. I think I would like agility but mom and dad will have to start working out to help me!


Thanks for barking in!