
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Some nice endurance walkin'!

After a rainy weekend, the weather has been amazing down here the past few days. About 75 during the day and 50-60s at night. Great walking weather.

So Mum, Gracie and I have been doing about 5-7 miles a day walking, broken up in two sessions, morning and late afternoon, around the pastures to get in some endurance work. It's a gorgeous site to walk. Here's a quick pic from the other day.

Mum started giving me a new nickname - Calvin Bo-rail (after the real Calvin Borel, the first jockey in history to win 3 of 4 Kentucky Derby’s consecutively.) If you watched the Derby you may remember Calvin, on Super Saver. Calvin always likes to hug the rail, so that's how he got his nickname Calvin Bo-rail. Well, when we get to this certain part of the pasture where the fence is, I love to hug the rail, even though Gracie tries her best to edge me out

This afternoon it started getting cloudy and much more humid, and Mum needed one of those nice walk in tubs after our walk today, she thought. I thought she smelled great, BOL!!

Gracie smelled pretty good too, after enjoying a nice roll in yucky stuff :)

Think it's going to rain tomorrow. Mum's ready for a little break from all this walking. Hope you are having a pawsome week!


  1. Great to see you pups!!! Hope you have a good weekend!! We're off to an agility trial in Princeton this weekend!!!

  2. Calvin Bo-rail! LOL! You're too funny Johann!

    We just came back from a trial at the Hamilton Dog Training Club. Ever go there? I didn't know before but it's only 10 minutes from my aunt's house! Pretty cool!


Thanks for barking in!