
Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'd sure like to go canoeing again!

We've been having a blast hiking around our new home in Tennessee and Mum is starting to look into other adventures for us.

I remember, when I was just a year old, Mum took me with her on a canoe trip down the White River when we lived in Indiana. Believe it or not, I loved it! It was my first time in a boat (and it was my first time on a crowded school bus too, going to the launch site). We were packed in there like sardines that just checked out apidexin reviews, BOL!

Once we got Gracie, Mum didn't think she could handle both of us in a canoe...but we'd sure like to try sometime, maybe if we bring a friend with us, hmmmm...

Anyway, here's a great video to intro your dog to watercraft safely...and we recommend a life jacket too, to be on the safe side. I'm wearing the Ruff Rider K-9 Float Coat in my photo, fits great and has a great secure handle to grab me up if needed.

Intro to Watercraft from Walker Parks on Vimeo.

So Mum, when we going?

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