
Saturday, October 16, 2010

New favorite photos!

Mum took this photo of Gracie the other day with our Blackberry. It's become one of her new favorites!

The BB doesn't take the best quality photos, they get kind of pixelated. But the neat thing is that they give off that oil painting kind of look that Mum loves sometimes!

And here's Mum's new favorite photo of me, me me!!!

She took this one with our new little point and shoot, in our office. The sun was shinning in on me and she just thought I looked so calm and sweet (so unlike me, BOL!). She did just a bit of photoshop on it to get the window out in the upper hand corner.

Click the photos to bigify for the full effect.

We've been taking a whole lot of photos with our BB and our new point and shoot. Pretty soon we're gonna need a flash drive and a new 1T external drive to keep all these photos on, BOL!

Lots of fall color starting to pop out for more photos coming soon. The mountains in fall color are just amazing!


  1. Both those pictures are lovely, the first one especially so. I wonder how it would go if you used Photoshop to turn it into an actual painting?


Thanks for barking in!