
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The SquidPaws contest!

Hey! You know that Squidoo Lens that I built last week, "A Day in the Life of Johann: An Agility Dog Living in the Mountains of Tennessee"?

We got a little surprise yesterday that it was selected as one of the 13 finalists in the SquidPaws Dog Day Afternoon Quest!

The prize for winning the contest is a $25 gift certificate from FetchDog, one of the companies that we are an affiliate. The winner is determined by the number of 'likes' to the page at the end of the contest, which is October 20, that's tomorrow!

So we had this big idea last night!

If we win, we'll donate the gift certificate to one of your favorite dog rescue/shelter charities! They could use it to buy a few things for the pups, or they could use it for a drawing to help raise needed funds, buy some office furniture, or however they need to help the pups!

So here's how to enter! Just leave a comment in this blog post, with your email address and tell us a little about your shelter/rescue. (You can send your email addy to me (click on the email link on the right sidebar), if you are shy, but don't furget to leave a comment). Deadline is midnight tomorrow night. We'll draw a winner from those leaving comments on Thursday of this week!

If you'd like you can also head on over to my Squidoo Lens and press the 'like' button in the upper left hand corner of the lens. (Note: you have to have an Squidoo account to like a page, but it's super easy to sign up. If you aren't registered and click on the 'like' button it will prompt you to register. And who knows, maybe you'd like to make a SquidPaws Lens for your pup, it's fun!).

So get cracking, BOL!!!

Note: We don't know exactly how we will receive the gift certificate if we win, if it's exclusively made out to us or just a generic gift certificate. But be assured if we win, we'll either get the gift certificate and pass it on to the shelter/rescue of our winner, or we'll figure out another way to get it to them. Oh, and your shelter has to have a 501(c)3 non-profit designation, k?


  1. Woo are furry furry pawesome!

    Well, Mom got me from The York Khounty PA Bed and Breakfast - oh wait - The SPCA -

    And thanks to my entrance into her life, she's taken up this 'hobby' of helping with transports from South to North and North to South - sometimes West to East and East to West but not as often fur those direkhtions!

    Anyway, many of hers are fur
    Rotts 'n Pups
    which grew from some special humans and as khontinued to blossom!


  2. Hi Johann! Congratulations on your Lens getting nominated, that's pawsome! Our favorite shelter is Animal Friends in Pittsburgh. that's where our kitties Laura and Josie lived till mom found them. Your pals,
    Morgan & Maisie

  3. Congrats!

    South Carolina Sheltie Rescue.


  4. This is a great idea and a great cause for dogs.

    I don't know any shelters but I do run a site for pets along with a blog at I will email my dog lover/readers about it. Hopefully they will "like" your squidoo page.


  5. Well, guys and gals...sadly I didn't win the contest. But another cool pup did. Sure appreciate you entering...but don't worry we'll have more contests, promise! And it's coming up on the holidays and you know what that means? BOL!


Thanks for barking in!