
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Day 1 - Johann's Annual Howling Howliday Giveaway!

Yeah!!! It's here!

Today is the first day of Johann's Annual Howling Howliday Giveaway!

We're spinning with excitement because we'll be bringing you 18 days of giveaways every weekday from December 1st thru December 24th! So let's get started...

We have two contributors today who have donated very cool products for our winner.

One of today's contributors is Nurtured Pets who have donated a five foot roll of their pawsome Anti-ChewStrip Home™ Protection that helps stop pets from chewing on those hard surfaces like tables and chair legs. And they've donated a 1.7 oz.. jar of their NurturSalve that's 100% Organic and helps sooth and soften paw pads, chapped noses and minor abrasions.

Our other contributor today is Schiffer Publishing who has donated the amazing books 'Baking for Dogs' and 'Cooking for Dogs.' Both books are by the renowned Friederike Friedel, owner of the popular Dog's Deli in Germany.

'Baking for Dogs' shares healthful, delicious treats recipes using natural, healthy ingredients. Recipes includes such treats as Amarettini, Valentine Hearts, Summer Muffins, Blueberry Scones, Liver Dumplings, Salmon Cookies and more! 'Cooking for Dogs' includes more than twenty of the latest doggy delicacies for your canine friend; all healthy, all natural snacks and meals that are easy to make.

Also, we are very proud to announce and highlight Johann's Howling Howliday Giveaway designated charity this year - A Place To Bark!

Over three years ago we met Bernie Berlin, who operates A Place To Bark, online as we were both early adopters of Twitter. Over the years we've watched through Twitter and Facebook as Bernie and her dedicated volunteers have pulled thousands of dogs from kill-shelters, healed them, trained them, and transported them to shelters all over the country to give them a chance to find their furever homes.

We've always admired the no-kill philosophy that guides Bernie's invaluable work, and we wanted to help. So you will see A Place To Bark's donation widget on our sidebar. Help us help Bernie and her volunteers save even more pups that have a limited time in many of the kill-shelters throughout the country. Let's help her continue and thrive with the good work she and her staff are accomplishing through a little donation this year!

We encourage you to donate whatever you can, $25, $15, $10, $5, even $1 would be of great help! So get started, donate the donate button on the widget just to the right, or click here.

Now on to the winning stuff!

Here's how to enter today's Giveaway! Please follow the instructions carefully, K?

1. Go to Nurtured Pets Facebook page and 'like' them.
2. Go to Nurtured Pets Twitter page and 'add' them.
3. Go to Schiffer Books Facebook page and 'like' them.
4. Subscribe to Schiffer Publishing newsletter.
5. Then come back to this blog post and leave your name and email address (can't win without it!) in the comments and let us know you followed all the instructions; 1-4 that we outlined above.

After midnight we will use the handy dandy randomizer on our sidebar to pick a winner! We'll notify the winner via email as soon as the drawing is complete tomorrow and post the winner in this blog post. Then the pawsome donors will mail out the prizes to one lucky winner!

That's it, now go get have until 11:59 PM ET tonight (December 1, 2010)! For all the fine print rules, click here. Contest is open to all US residents, 18 years or older in the 48 contiguous US states.

And don't furget to come back tomorrow, we're giving away more cool dog stuff!


Jake the Maltese is the winner of our wonderful prizes from Nurtured Pets and Schiffer Publishing! Congratulations Jake!


  1. Hello! It's Jake the Maltese and I did all four instructions on your blog to enter the contest. I'm at OneWhiteDog on Twitter and Facebook and my email address is I hope you have a great day and thank you for being a doggie-friendly Santa WOOF :*)

  2. Okay, Johann! We had Dani go and click on all four of those items and she followed all the instructions! Our e-mail is
    Happy Days! :)
    Lily and BJ

  3. Hi Johann! We just watched Dani as she clicked on all four of those links and joined/followed/signed up as per all the instructions! Our e-mail is

    Happy Days!
    Lily and BJ

  4. Pawsitively done! I hope our Mom gets the cookbooks...we'd love to sample the recipes....our Moms name is Carolyn and her email is equincpa at

  5. What a great give-away!!!

    I completed all 4 steps....
    My twitter name is @catchatcaren, on Facebook I am Caren Osrin Gittleman, I have 2 email addresses but the one I subscribed with is


Thanks for barking in!