
Friday, December 10, 2010

Gettin' chilly!

It's bad phone photo day, BOL!

It's been kinda chilly here on the Mountain the past week or so. Woke up yesterday morning and it was 10 degrees F. Brrrr....Mum got out her long undies and we have been donning our coats for our walks.

We got some flurries the other day too! But they got more up on the Mountain than we did. Looks like it stuck up there! Wonder if they needed to get out their toro snowblower? Probably not yet...

We even found a little ice on the creek!

So we've been inside more, taking shorter walks, but enjoying catching some rays while Mum works!

They say it's gonna get a little warmer by the end of the week....we're hoping to get in some hiking up the ridge on Friday. Hope you all are staying warm!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Johann,

    It's been too long since we've been around. We haven't blogged as much this year but we're always glad to hear our old friends are keeping well( and hopefully not too cold:).
    big wags,


Thanks for barking in!