
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Just a little snow...and a little ice...

The weather the past few days has been wintry!

Earlier in the week we got some snow, not much and definitely not what we're used to back at our old home.

Then it got super cold, so we couldn't stay out too long, but we got a few pics.

I'm on the verge of a shiver...and Gracie is looking for deer, again!

Then we woke up this morning and everything was covered in ice! Made for a challenging potty time early this morning. Later in the day it warmed up to almost 40 degrees and we got in a nice walk this evening.

My blue harness is off to the repair shop after an encounter with Gracie's teeth. So I had to don my back up harness. I was so bright, you had to wear shades!!

With all this winter weather here, Mum's beginning to think we didn't move south enough, BOL!

Hope you are all staying dry and warm!

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