
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

We had a really nice surprise for Christmas when we woke up this morning. We got snow!!! And this is the first time in over 20 years that there has been a white Christmas here on the mountain. Guess we brought it with us from up north!

We took a nice walk in the pasture since it was just cold enough to snow at 32 degrees. And warm enough to have lots of fun.

After our walk, we opened presents (more on that later), ate and took a little nap with Mum. Then we took off to play at our friends house (more on that later, too).

When we drove down the lane we saw the mountain still had a lot more snow, even though it had melted more down in our cove of the mountain. You can see all the pine trees and cypress tree, still covered in snow.

Once we got to our friends (we've got lots more photos to share this coming week) house, Mum took a nice little Holiday photo of me and Gracie.

Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate!!!! We wish you a pawsome time with family and friends and a super great New Year!


  1. I is getting the same snow you got tomorrow - they is saying 10-15 inches! You can keep more of it down by you if'n you would like. We has plenty to share. Hope you and Gracie and your mom had a wonnerful Christmas!

  2. That's too much snow Shawnee!!! We wouldn't mind keeping a few inches fur a day ;)

    Arrrroooooo Khyra!

  3. Merry Christmas Leslie, Johann and Gracie! How fun to have a white Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas to you and Gracie, Johann!
    We can't wait to get the snow that the weatherman is predicting for us!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. Your photos are adorable with the red and green!

    How magical that you had snow on Christmas! Hope you enjoyed!!

    Hope you had the best Christmas ever!

    Cat Chat


Thanks for barking in!