
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Smooth agility moves?

Over in Europe they have some different agility 'moves' than we do over here in the US. It's great now that with technology, we can see what folks all over the world are doing in agility, isn't it?

One 'move' that's been talked around a lot of late is what some call the Jaako Turn, some call it the Ketschkers Turn, some a Top Turn. The subject came up this past weekend when I was at an agility trial and was asked if I knew what the turn was. So I said I'd share what info I knew, or had found about it, on my blog.

This 'move' has been around a while in Europe, although you don't see it much here in the US. I've seen it in various forms since I started blogging about agility. Some may classify it, if needed, as a 'backy-uppy' followed immediately by a blind cross. Here are a couple of examples:

I've seen a few instances of folks using it here in the US. One was Daisy Peel at the USDAA Nationals in 2009. Here's the vid, the 'move' is at the end of the run.

You can also see it in this vid, with Little Jackie at a Silas Boogk seminar. The 'move' is throughout the video in various forms, but the most noticeable is at about the 1:56 point in the video.

And here as a Top Turn.

In this final vid, you can see it in this great run at 2010 FCI, thanks to Agility Vision. It's at the :51 point in the video. Also check out that pre-q'd blind cross after the chute.

So what do you think?


  1. Wow, I'd watched a bunch of international runs before, but seeing all those handlers doing this move over and over in once place--well--wow. It's so different from anything I've ever done or seen taught here. I'm going to have to think about this for a while to see what I think! It seems counterintuitive to me, but I'd have to look at their entire handling strategy to see whether it's self consistent.

  2. Ah--did you see Daisy Peel's comment in her blog about this move? (something like There Are No New Moves)

  3. Interesting. I'd really like to hear others' opinions on this as I am too new to the sport to really know what I am talking about.

    That blind cross in the last video was amazing! So risky and I never would have done it myself, but she clearly new what she was doing.

    Thanks for sharing these. Now I have something to bug my trainer about.

  4. Ellen - just saw Daisy's post, guess everyone is talking about this now, BOL!

    It's not a new move, been seeing it for at least a couple of years in Europe. Sometimes I think people want to label 'things' as a just way to identify them, or with them. Like when folks say a front cross, then other folks can identify with that, and what they are talking about.

  5. well it obviously works for them and whatever works...

    It requires turning your back on your dog, much more than a usual blind cross (a move which seems pretty rare in the USA), and breaking eye contact with him. That would make me nervous.

  6. looks like a "less work for mom" move. she is all about that! BOL!! we have been working on blind crosses, and I am just staring to "get it"
    your pal, Morgan

  7. Johann- Thanks for posting this. We tried the move in class last night and, of course, had it all wrong since we didn't have the video up to model. We tried just bringing the dog over a jump on our right then using our right hand flapping behind our backs to send the dog over a jump behind our backs. Called it the "hiney wipey". Some successes, some not so much, but it sure provided us with a bunch of laughs. Carla

  8. @Carla - BOL! on the hiney wipey!!! Sounds like you 'guys' had fun!!! Wish I could've seen it :)


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