
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Time for a walk?

Gracie wants to know if it's time to go for a walk !!!

Mum has been working way, way, way too many hours on the computer! She said something about tax time, new clients, lots of project work, and organizing the office for the new year, and tanzanite rings, wait that's not right, BOL!.

Sheesh, Gracie and I don't understand any of that stuff! We want to get on the 'puter and visit our friends! And the weather is mild and we want to go hiking again! Ever notice that the more exercise you get (like our hikes from the weekend) the more you want?


  1. Yes! The more any of us do (me or Merle Girls), the more we want of it! I'm hoping to get agility AND hiking in this weekend.

  2. Didn't your mum just take you on awesome hikes over the weekend, Gracie? Now she has to work a little bit - sorry!


Thanks for barking in!