
Friday, February 25, 2011

So honored! My Life in Photos lens got a Squidoo Purple Star!

Not too long ago, Mum was having some fun on Squidoo and created another lens about her favorite boy dog, me, of course!!!

The lens is called: Johann's Life in Photos, and has a few of Mum's favorite photos that she's taken of me throughout my life (with a little of photoshopping, following instructions on how to get rid of dark circles and gray eyebrows, which I seem to accumulate daily now, BOL!).

We found out last week that this lens (which contains my contemplation photo above) received a coveted 'Purple Star' from Squidoo. That means that it is one of the best of the best lenses on Squidoo! Purple Stars are awarded for lenses with incredible content, for trying new ideas, and for standing out from the crowd. And I've heard that they only give out 1000 per year out of the couple of million lenses on Squidoo.

Then to top that off, I was having some fun one day and decided to submit a little blurb as an intro for Squidoo's Dog section. They were asking for some help in writing all the intros. And guess what? They accepted mine! Now I get to introduce all visitors to the Dog section on Squidoo, so pawesomely cool, and we think very appropriate for a dog to introduce others to dogs, right?

On another note...

Well, it's Friday, yeah! Mum says if the weather holds out this weekend, we are going to an agility practice with new buds that live north of here. My paws are staying crossed!!!

Hope you have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Johann:
    Your mum has good reason to take lots of photo's of her favorite boy - because you're quite the handsome fella! I just love the soft hair around your ears -- it's too cute! I've stopped by your blog many times in the past, but it's been awhile. I hope you and mum are doing well.

    Black circles, I don't see them, but I can show you mine. LOL!

    Johann, we happen to love dogs too and hope you stop by for a visit with us. We have lots of great doggie information to share with you and your wonderful mum too.

    Take care,
    Janie and her girls, Jenna the dobe and Maggie the yellow lab :o


Thanks for barking in!