
Sunday, July 10, 2011

It's official!

Ohhhh...wonder what's in this envelope? Hmmm....

Come on Mum, open it!!!

Well, lookie there! It's my MACH certificate, how cool!

Here it is up close and personal :).

Well, it's official! You can call me MACH Johann, or for my friends, MACH YoYo! How cool is this? Good thing Mum got all that insurance for me over the years, so I could heal up as best I could to get here, and still afford the agility, BOL!

OK, Mum, what's next? MACH ADCH Johann !!! Of course!


  1. Feels SOOOOO good to actually have the cert in your hands, eh, mom of johann? Congratulations again, that's a LOT of double Qs

  2. Great job!!!! come check out our blog and follow us on our journey!


Thanks for barking in!