
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wiggy gets a gecko!

Hello Wiggy!

Wolfie and Wiggy have really been enjoying their time on the porch (well, they call it a Catio, BOL!) every evening; getting some good fresh Mountain air and watching the wildlife on the edge of the forest.

Here's Wiggers as we see him every evening through the screened in porch, while we run around outside on the deck. Hi Wiggy!

The other day, we were out in the back of the cabin and heard a ruckus on the front porch. Mum's eyes got wide and we all ran around the deck to see what all the fuss was about. Hey Wiggy, what's going on?

We saw Wiggy sitting near the porch door, with something in his mouth! OMD! It was a baby gecko! Wiggy caught a gecko on the porch; and he wasn't about to let anyone have it, no way! We sure needed some long hdmi cables to watch that on the big screen!

Of course Wiggy tortured the poor little thing for hours...until, well you know...

Next morning we found the little guy belly up, bad kitty!!!

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