
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Now we can watch our YouTube agility videos in slow motion!

We just found this out the other day, very cool!

If you have vids on YouTube, you can set it up to watch your videos in slo-mo. We really like watching our agility videos in slow motion, it's a great way to check on that jumping style, make sure you're really getting into that contact zone and more.

So here's how you can do it too!
  • First you need to make sure you are using an updated browser that HTML5. The include: Firefox 4, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Internet Explorer 9, or Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8 with Google Chrome Frame installed.
  • HTML5 is currently offered as opt-in trial. So you need to join the trial first. Go to and at the bottom of the page you would find the ‘Join the HTML5 Trial’ link. Click on it to join.
  • Then go to YouTube and do a search for your video(s). On the search results page, click filter, then click Webm. Or you can just add 'webm=1' to your search terms. 
  • Click on the video you want to watch and at the bottom of the player, you'll see a button that says ‘Normal’. Click on it to control the speed of the video playback. Pretty cool! 
Go try it out. Oh and you can do this with any video on YouTube too!

We hear that HTML5 player may become the default YouTube player and you'll be able to control the speed of all videos eventually.



  1. That's very interesting. Thanks! I'm off to try it right now.

  2. I can't find 'filter'. Where should it be? If I add web=1 to my search, I don't get my own video clips.

  3. Looks like since I've been doing this a while, I forgot a need to opt in to html5 when you are logged into YouTube. Once logged in go to this link and the opt in button is at the bottom

    That should help!

    When you search for your vid, find the full name of your vid then search on those terms only, you're vid should be the first one to come up; the filter button is just above the search results with a drop down arrow.

    Once you get through the process then you don't need to search for vids anymore, you'll just see the word 'normal' at the bottom of vids that the slo-mo will work with and you can change the speed there.

    Hope all that helps!


Thanks for barking in!