
Monday, October 10, 2011

Fun time in the leaves!

Since Mum has been getting well for several weeks after a nasty head thing, we got behind on the yard work.

So last weekend, she trimmed up the shrubs in the front, cut all the grass in the front, and then started in on raking some of the leaves in our fenced in area in the back, there's no grass back there, just peat now that all the leaves are raked up.

What doe that mean??? You guessed it, leaf fun!

After a time of Gracie biting at the rake (Mum got her over that bad habit pretty quickly) and me barking at her for bugging Mum, we settled into a leaf pike and Mum got an official Fall photo of us. I think it's a keeper!

Yep, we had some outtakes, that's fur sure! BOL! (Ewewww, my sis is touching me!!!)

Then we had had enough of being still and decided to get our zoomies on, and wrestle in the soft pile of leaves...

Ah, ha!!! It's the official YoYo Death Grip, gotcha Gracie!

Gracie gave it up and did her 'ashamed' move on the Mum...that always gets her treats, especially when it comes with a wink.

Hey, where are my treats?

It's been a bit cooler, and Mum had to gather up some wood around the property after our leaf fun (since our cord hasn't been delivered yet) and we stoked up the wood stove in the cabin! Oh such a great cozy evening, watching a movie by the fire...Fun day!

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