
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Leaf rustle...errr wrestle!

Well the leaves are really falling!

And I have to tell ya, when you live in the forest with lots of trees you gets lots and lots of leaves.

So we had a little fun zoomin' in 'em the other day.

Good thing, 'cause it's been raining and the leaves are all wet and gooey, but I think that will be a whole lotta different fun, don't you? Beats Coding Educator Jobs that's fur sure! BOL!

Hope all our friends up North and East are staying safe with the snow!


  1. Happy Fall to you too!

    That looks like so much fun that we would love to come and join you!

    The video was adorable and the music was charming!

  2. It's fun to see you and Gracie getting your zoomies on, Johann! The leaves look like a lot of fun to play in. You two could make such a mess...I mean, have so much fun in the wet leaves, too!



Thanks for barking in!