
Thursday, November 17, 2011

DogPawR is helping to power me up!

If you read my blog you know that I've had a lot of injuries in my life. And the older I get the more those injuries are taking a toll on my body even though they have pretty much healed.

Mum has tried many supplements (glucosamine and chondroitin) to see if they could help me feel more my usual wacky self. But all of those we've tried over the years haven't had any effect on me.

A few months back Mum was contacted by a company that has a new supplement on the market. They are the makers of DogPawR. At first Mum declined their nice offer to provide us with their product to try out, since I've tried so many. But after they told us the ingredients we thought it would be worth giving it a go.

Made in the USA with the same highest quality standards as for human supplements, DogPawR Joint and Hip Complex contains all the nutrients to keep joints healthy, repair past damage and sooth discomfort, including: Glucosamine HCl, MSM and a proprietary blend of Green Lipped Mussel (providing easy to digest chondroitin, omega 3 fatty acids and hundreds of micronutrients). The supplement also contains two very key ingredients: Turmeric, a very effective natural anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling and inflammation; and California Poppy, which is highly effective in reducing pain and relieving muscle tension.

It's not arthritis and old age that makes me ouch sometimes. It's all the muscle aches that I get associated with all the injuries, pulled muscles, broken bones and more, I've had over the years. So Mum was very intrigued with the Turmeric and California Poppy, thinking that it just may give ease my ouches some.

I started on the supplement about two months ago. After a few weeks Mum started noticing something very key. Every time she got up from her work chair I would bounce up and want to go with her, no matter where she was going. I used to do this when I was very young; but over time I had stopped. Another key indicator that something was different was when I'm out playing with Gracie in the back yard, I want to play a lot more than I used to. After being on it for over four weeks, Mum thought I was acting like I was two again!

You may remember my practice run at the indoor facility a few weeks ago (video below). Mum saw that I was really running like I used to, speedy and confident. Even though it seems I may have picked up an aversion to horse arenas dirt unevenness lately which is effecting my self-assurdness on the courses on dirt. But she knows I feel better since I've been taking the supplement, and I do; it really shows in my everyday life, energy and happiness. And it sure did when I ran indoors on rubber stall matting!

Since we're so sold on DogPawR, we wanted to share this info with you. It's really made a huge difference in how I feel, that's for sure. And here's the best part!

The nice folks at DogPawR who were kind enough to supply me with their supplement for free to try, have agreed to let me give away a couple (two) of bottles of DogPawR to my readers!

So if you'd like to enter our drawing that we'll be holding on the day after Thanksgiving, November 25th, just leave a comment (before midnight ET on the 25th) along with your email address in the comments section of this blog post and we'll draw a random winner on the weekend after Thanksgiving and notify the winner via email. This time you need to live in the US, but we hope to be able to provide something at a later date for our International readers.

So get commenting and win your pup a great new supplement from DogPawR!


  1. Johann,
    I would love to try DogPawR. I'm 10 years old now, and my mom wants to keep me acting like a puppy for as long as possible! Her email address


    Caleb the Sheltie

  2. I'd love to try it for my older pups. Currently they get Gluco-Pro, and fish oil.

  3. I have an older shih tzu who has trouble some days getting around. Usually coincides with trying to keep up with the youngsters running the fence and chasing the birds. Maybe this would help him. Thanks

  4. hmm can you post the list of ingredients and their amounts per ? scoop? When I look at their website it seems similar to other supplement sites with nothing specific. From a side picture it looks like amount of supplement varies with weight of dog so how long would one container last eg per 50# dog? We're 13 going on 14 and would be willing to try most things. I'll whine if we don't win so we could buy some.

  5. Happy to Maggs!

    Here's from the label:

    Ingredients per 1 scoop (10 g): Glucosamine HCI (750 mg), MSM (600 mg), Proprietary Blend (7650 mg): Geletin hydrolysate protein, Green Lipped Mussel (Perna canaliculus contains chondroitin, omega 3 fatty acids and hundreds of nicronutrients), Turmeric Root, California Poppy extract and roast beef (restaurant humane grade) extract.

    up to 25 lbs - 1/2 scoop; 25-50 lbs - 1 scoop; 51-75 lbs 1.5 scoops; 75-100 lbs 2 scoops; over 100 2.5 scoops.

    I'm 18 lbs and am taking 1/6 to 1/4 a scoop two times a day.

    Hope that helps!

  6. Hi Johann! my name is Annie and I am a not quite 10 year old rescue dog. I've been playing agility for almost eight years now and I'm really starting to feel it. I would love to try the supplement, see if I can keep playing with mom!

    annie piltz

  7. Interesting! My Casey is 13.5 yrs young and we've tried other supplements in the past with varying degrees of success. While she doesn't need any now, I know from pervious experience with her that her liver won't tolerate traditional pain meds so I am always looking for more homeopathic possibilities to help keep her comfy into these senior years. She's a fit and trim 52lbs so it can get expensive to try new formulas that require multiple scoops per day. Thanks! kimberly dot annis at gmail dot com.

  8. Oh how I wish this was a chewable. Would love to try this for ParmaQay but she is an extremely fussy eater... I mess with her food and she turns her nose up and sighs.. and walks away.

  9. Sounds very interesting, Johann - all 6 of us would love to try DogPawR!

    Charlie, Quincy (the Marvelous Mutts), and Henry, Katie, Annabelle and Sprocket (the Cairn Terrors, in South Florida (and our Mom, Pam)

  10. Would love to try this. My 2.5 year old lab just has had 2 ACL surgeries in the last 4 months in addition to some cartilage disintegration... poor thing! Anyway - always looking to try something new. Thanks!

  11. The Airechicks would be interested being 12 things j dust slow down and if you noticed a GOOD difference we need to check it out - please enter us in the drawing -

    Thank you - Happy Thanksgiving!!

  12. We would love to be entered in the drawing.
    Thanks, Rylie, Raugen, Ryker, Ryddick, Rydge and Bailey

  13. My next surgery is in 2 weeks from now. I'd love to try this post-op.


  14. it sounds good to us. please enter the 5Bs in your drawing. our email is schnoodlepooh at comcast dot net. thanks and happy woofin' to ya

  15. We have winners!!!! The two winners of one jar of DogPawR are:

    The 5B's - schnoodlepooh at comcast dot net


    Thank you all who entered!!! We hope that making you aware of DogPawR will make a difference in your pups life, it sure did mine.


  16. Thanks for the referral to their site; I am almost all the way through the first of 2 jars with Tika. I can't say that I notice any difference with her. I'll continue through the 2nd jar and see whether I notice anything. I guess the other way to tell would be whether she seems worse after I stop after 2 jars. For those who are concerned about whether their dogs would eat it--Tika loves is, and my other dog steals her bowl when Tika's done, licks it wayyyy more than clean, carries it around with her, and gnaws gently on it, so she obviously also loves the smell of the supplement.


Thanks for barking in!