
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fun with friends!

When we were at agility practice last Sunday, we got to run with our best agility bud, Cosmo!

His Mum and he joined us for practice, and then we got to meet one of our first Twitter buddies too, Anna from Happy Healthy Pup came to watch Cosmo, Gracie and I run our last runs.

It was so great to meet her! She's a positive dog trainer in Atlanta, and also does body work and consults for nutrition and healing. She even brought all three of us treats too! How cool is that!

Anna was kind enough to give me a little body once over and was happy to report that all my muscles, joints and alignment felt really good. Not bad for not having an adjustment since last April! Mum knows I'm feeling good, especially with my new supplement. It really seems to be keeping me nice and loose.

Whoa, Anna, whatcha touching there?

We took a few minutes to get some nice photos of all of us. Here are the three musketeers - Cosmo, Gracie and JoJo.

And here we are with Anna!

After all the photo taking we went for a nice little walk together, then the humans headed out for a nice early dinner and socialization while we took naps in the car.

It was a long, super fun day with super fun friends. Sure hope we get to do it again real soon!

1 comment:

  1. It must be great to have the dogs gathered up and play together. I hope my golden retriever finds a playmate as well so that he can play just like Jojo, Cosmo and Gracie.


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