
Friday, December 23, 2011

Our little agility yard!

I thought I'd give you a little peek at our mountain agility yard!

Our back 'yard' has a really big deck on the back of the cabin, beyond that is a lower level, and then a big berm that goes up and makes an upper level.

Here on the north side of the berm we have our jumps, good for working on distance, 'cause Mum can't run beside the jumps very well, not a lot of room.

Then going down the berm, which is just about the same grade as a down dogwalk, we have our dogwalk training board. Works really well taking the jumps, then working the dogwalk with distance as Mum stays on the berm.

On the south side berm we have our teeter, and on the lower level our weave poles. The space around the weaves is pretty tight and makes for good independent weave training and rear cross entries.

Further out from the weaves (out of the photo to the right) are a couple of jumps. Mum likes to send me out to the jumps and weaves and then run on the other side of the trees next to the weave poles. More great distance work.

There are a lot of 'obstacles' among our obstacles! But we like it just the way it is, and the neat thing is that all those 'obstacles' among our obstacles makes for newer and different challenges!


  1. Very creative use of available materials! I wonder how many people out there have challenging yards like that, or like my dogwalk that runs through a Y split in a tree? Might be an interesting topic for a post.

  2. That is making the most of your rugged backyard!! Good job!


Thanks for barking in!