
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mum got our fence up!

Wheee! Mum finally got our fence up!

She worked on it Memorial Day weekend. It took her 10 hours over three days....she worked so hard!

First she laid out the stakes, five feet apart. Then she started pounding them in, all 37 of them.

Then she spend three hours raking out all the leaf matter, twigs, large rocks and such. And then she weed eat'ed the grass clumps.

On the final day she put up the netting and secured it into the ground and to the stakes.

And voila! We are now free running, free peeing, free pooing, dogs! Here's we are getting a little zoomie on...

Checking out how secure the fence is to this tree. Yep, she did good!

Gracie is sooo happy!

She's got her own little rock prop to see out into the forest!

We're super proud of Mum, she worked so hard to make us happy! Have to say that after three weeks on leash, I was starting to lose my zest. I like my independence, that's fur sure! I think Gracie and I need to thank Mum and get her some shari's berries, whadda you think?

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