
Monday, June 11, 2012


When Mum was taking our American Gothic style pic the other day on our front porch, something veeeeerrrryyy interesting happened!

BOL! Oh the squirrels were prolific that day, I remember it well.

As Chet the Jet (from the Spencer Quinn novels) would's just the way of our 'nation within a nation' for us to check out a potential varmit, right?

Or maybe we're dreaming of outer banks homes for sale so we can hit the beach every day...

Or we heard the neighbor dogs bark. Yes, we have them on either side of us.

Or maybe I heard a deer and Gracie heard a bark?

We've decided to keep it a big secret and tell people that Mum trained us to do this, BOL! Wouldn't that be a good trick?

1 comment:

  1. What a fun shot! If one can't get the dogs to look alertly at the camera, looking simultaneously alertly at the offstage activity is just about as good.

    Hope your scorpion situation has eased up.


Thanks for barking in!