
Monday, June 25, 2012

Today is my Birthday, and I've got a bucket list!

Can you believe it? I'm eight years old today!!!

Wow, time sure does fly!

According to lots of those charts that show a dog's age in human years, Mum and I are the same age now. How cool is that! :)

If my kittie bros are any indication I've got a long life still ahead of me! Wiggy turned 15 years old this year and Wolfie will be turning 16 soon!

Over my life so far, I've done a lot of fun things:
  • Climbed mountains and swam in cool mountain streams
  • Herded sheep
  • Stayed in fancy (and not so fancy) hotels
  • Watched deer graze (and barked at 'em too)
  • Attended conferences
  • Lived in three states, traveled to many more
  • Zoomed in snow
  • Got my MACH
  • Learned tons of tricks
  • Written nearly 5000 blog posts on my blogs
  • Caught mice
  • Jumped and rolled in big piles of leaves
  • Eaten rabbit poo
  • Been interviewed and featured in lots of magazines
  • Road an escalator
  • Eaten raw chicken feet
  • Run an agility Standard course 22 seconds under standard course time - a personal best!
  • Played with some of the most amazing toys
  • Rooted out grouse
  • Met Santa
  • Hiked part of the Appalachian Trail
  • Saw a Stealth fly
  • Painted a masterpiece
  • Been canoeing
  • Got over 84 MACH points in three runs, a personal best!
  • Shopped at tons of stores
  • Got massaged and got acupunctured
  • Qualified for USDAA Nationals
  • Tasted tons of treats
  • Tracked and found my kittie bro Wiggy when he got lost
  • Navigated concrete jungles
  • Got 15th place in DAM Team at regionals
  • Given away $1000's of goodies through contests over the years
  • Walked in an underwater treadmill
  • Had a string of 7 DQ's in a row
  • Zoomed and wrestled to my hearts content with my sis, Gracie
  • Learned how to skateboard
  • Written over 150 articles on Squidoo
  • Walked around the Indy 500 track and posed on the 'Ole Brickyard
  • Won 100's of ribbons
  • Kissed a girl and I liked it
  • Eaten steak
  • Raised $100's for charity
  • Road in an elevator
  • Attended some pawsome agility seminars with Silvia, Stuart, Jen, Mary Ellen and more!
  • Been the guest of honor at a huge Gotcha Day Party
  • Passed the Canine Good Citizen Test
  • Nipped some fur from my kittie bros butt when I herded him
  • Eaten at fine restaurants (and not so fine too)
  • Run and run on a human treadmill
  • Helped Mum round up a couple of lost dogs and reunited them with their families
  • Bobbed for turkey hot dogs
  • Saw a mountain lion
  • Been featured in a coffee table book
  • Smelled bear scat
  • And so much more!
When you're young you just don't think of things like bucket lists. But once you reach a certain age, you want to enjoy certain things while you can still enjoy them! I've been fortunate to get to do a lot of things I've always wanted to enjoy throughout my life so far. But,I have a just few more big things left on my bucket list for the next year or so. This is just a start, I am sure more will come to me: 
  • Run free on an ocean beach.
  • Get my ADCH!! 
  • Catch a squirrel.
  • Sink my teeth into a whole raw chicken (not just the parts).
  • Play with a black and white little puppy bro.
So what's on your bucket list of life!!!


  1. Happy Johann Day!!!!!!!!

    Here's to eight hikes AND eight bites of KHAKE!!!!!!!!


  2. Happy Birthday, Johann! You've done so many fun things in your life! We hope you have many many more fun adventures in years to come!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Thank you Mitch, Molly, Khyra (and sometimes Khyra's Mom :) Appreciate the Barkday wishes!

  4. Happy Birthday! That's quite a list of things you've accomplished. Playing with a black and white little puppy bro sounds like a lot of fun. We have a nice dog beach (Huntington Beach) out here that dogs are allowed to run free. Good luck with completing your bucket list! By the way, Linus turns 8 this year too!

    Take care,

  5. Awesome bucket list!! Running free on an ocean beach is something I also hope to do one day! Hope you had a fabulous birthday!

  6. Thank you Colby and thank you Chris and Ricky!!!

    We celebrated a lot over the weekend, two amazing hikes and lots of fun play in the pool! Wheeee!

  7. Happy birthday, Johann! Penny is almost the same age as you - she'll be 8 in November (we think).

    Now about that running free on an ocean beach - it really is great, so go for it!

  8. Happy Birthday pal! You sure have done a lot! I think I'd like to go to Paris and eat Parisian doggie snacks... with champagne! BOL!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday! What a pawsome list, you have done so much!
    You've made me think how long/short mine would be BOL

    Teddy xxx

  10. Thanks Penny and Penny's Mum, Cosmo and Teddy. Mum says we may celebrate a little more this weekend. I'm sensing cool mountain streams....hmmmm..

  11. I was reading about your birthday last week, Johann, when mom so rudely took my pooter away to do work or something like that and I nefur got around to coming back and wishing you a proper Happy Birthday so here it be: HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY JOHANN!!!


Thanks for barking in!