
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fun agility practice last Saturday!

Gracie and I got to go to agility training last Saturday.

We haven't been for quite a while. As a matter of fact I don't think we've run a full course since our last USDAA trial in April!

So we were super excited to run!

Mum wanted to practice gambles with me, so she planned out to send me to certain groups of obstacles. I didn't do too bad!!! Check it out.

We worked on sending to the tunnel (Mum needs to cue me earlier, duh!), rear crossing into the weaves at a bit of distance then moving out laterally with a send to the jump and table, then sending me to the tunnel again. Fun stuff!

Gracie was kind of crazy after not running for so long. The main thing Mum wanted to do is to help Gracie with her teeter, since this is the place that she got the teeter fear.

So Mum ran her through her favorite things and the goal was for Gracie to eagerly at least put a few paws on the teeter. Then Mum and Gracie went into the back room to work on the mini low teeter. The first time Gracie only put two paws on the teeter, but the second run she went all the way to the tipping point and then got scared. But it's progress!

I had a lot of fun and got lots of compliments on my speed and distance work. We were the only ones working on that, so I stuck out, BOL!!!

Hope you enjoy the video!

1 comment:

  1. We loved your video, Gracie! Agility sure looks like fun!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly


Thanks for barking in!