
Friday, July 06, 2012

Gracie's first agility title!!!!

Well, she did it, finally!!!

Gracie got her first title in agility!

Gracer got the USDAA P1 Snooker title back in April, but we got the official certificate in the mail last week!

Mum was looking at Gracie's results the other day. Of the Q's that's she's received in Snooker and Jumpers (all the events she has Q'd in so far), they are all first place! Gracie is on a roll, her future's so bright she's got to wear shades! Maybe rayban sunglasses, BOL!

As Mum says, 'when she's on, she's on! And when she's off, she's really off!' :)

Congrats, sis, you are on your way!


  1. Go, Gracie! Congrats on your first agility title. And you even got it in Snooker - that's a hard class!

  2. Congratulations, Gracie! That is a huge accomplishment and you should be so very proud of yourself!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Hmm, thought I'd congratulated Gracie already. Maybe on facebook? Anyway, congratulations! It's a fine looking certificate, isn't it!


Thanks for barking in!