
Thursday, November 22, 2012

This is Chief!

One day a couple of weeks ago, this little guy showed up at our cabin one morning!

Turned out he is a super friendly guy; part beagle, part basset.

Mum had no idea where he came from. We emailed one of our neighbors and he said that the little guy had been hanging around his place for a few days, but he hadn't seen him that day.

We checked with the mail lady and she'd never seen him. Then we checked with our other neighbor, who had never seen him before either.

Our first neighbor said he was going to post an ad in the newspaper. So Mum decided to seek out some local rescue pages on Facebook and post his photo there to see if anyone spoke up.

He was still around the cabin when we woke up the next morning. Good thing it wasn't too cold or we would have had to share our patagonia winter jacket! After a little fence running with the little guy, we went in and had our breakfast and Mum checked her Facebook.

Turns out that someone in Atlanta saw the photo Mum posted and messaged Mum on Facebook saying she was 90% sure it was her former neighbors dog in Atlanta. They had found another home for him up here near us because Chief (that's his name, we found out from her) needed more room to roam. Well, he sure got that, BOL!

The nice lady in Atlanta called her neighbor, who then called the folks up here that took him in and they called us later in the day. Yep, it was Chief, their dog! So they came to our cabin and picked him up about an hour later.

How cool is that! With the help of Facebook, Chief got back to his home within 36 hours of showing up at our front door!

Well, turned out that just the next day Chief got loose again and came right to our place. He has a thing for Gracer :). We kept Chief's Dad's phone number from the day before, called him and they came and picked him up again that afternoon.

But he must be safe and secure now, we haven't seen Chief for a couple of weeks. Hope he's happy!


  1. It's the beagle part. I had a beagle girlfriend named Abby who used to run away and come to our house. Mommy would let us play for a few hours and then we'd take her home. Eventually her family got a good fence put in and our play dates stopped.

  2. Great detekhtive work!

    Paws khrossed Chief stays put now!


  3. Hello, here is Arno from Germany! I read this beautiful story and I'd like to tell you, that your mom and facebook did a great job!!! Nice happy end thank to you!
    Nice regards

  4. Great story! So glad that his people were found.


Thanks for barking in!