
Friday, December 14, 2012

Book Review: The Divinity of Dogs

A while back we had the opportunity to read The Divinity of Dogs, thanks to the great folks at Atria Books/Simon and Schuster who sent us a copy for free to enjoy.

Mum loves reading books to me late at night, all cozied up in bed before we doze off. This book definitely got us off to happy dreamland, each and every night.

'The Divinity of Dogs: True Stories of Miracles Inspired by Man's Best Friend,' is packed full of inspiring, heartwarming, feel good to your bones stories about dogs and their people, and will definitely warm your heart and give you paws to just how much dogs help, love, comfort, uplift, guide, amaze, inspire and change peoples lives.

Authored by Jennifer Skiff, the book contains over 70 short stories telling tails of people describing the moment they learned something spiritually profound about life from an experience with a dog.

Dogs do so much for people...well beyond anything you could possibly imagine. This book shows you just how wonderful we are!

Get the book or get the ebook Kindle edition, it would make a great holiday gift for any dog loving furiend!

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