
Monday, November 10, 2014

Hiking Anna Ruby Falls and Unicoi State Park!

A few weeks ago we headed off to meet up with pals Rocco and his Mom for another great hike!

I love how there are so many places to explore within just one to two hours drive from our cabin. This time we wanted to take in some of the fall color and see one of the falls that we haven't visited yet.

We wanted the hike to be short and fairly easy, since this was going to be Rach's first real hike.

Being six + months, he can't take a long hike like our occasional seven milers, but we thought this hike would be perfect for him.

So we met up with our pals in Dawsonville, and then drove in one car to Anna Ruby Falls.

On the way our GPS took us on a mini detour. (It does that sometimes). But we were glad because if it hadn't we wouldn't have seen this sign in someone's yard, BOL!!

Do you think they meant yard? Because we know there is actually a thing called a 'yarb.'  And why is the yard (or yarb) dangerous? Hmmmm...something to ponder, BOL!

Once we got to the start of the trail, we quickly headed up to see the Falls. As we discussed, this was Rach's first real hike with us. Over the months, he has become quite the puller. Mum doesn't really mind that too much, except when the trail is slippery or descends where she could slip. Rach doesn't know our 'easy' command yet. Mum is hoping he picks it up quickly!

On the way up to the main Falls, we found the stream running down the walk and took a quick little break to take in the sounds, smells and sites!

There are two part to the Falls, this is the smaller falls on the right that drops about 50 or so feet.

And then the main falls on the left that drops 150+ feet. So gorgeous!

We hung out for a while and just had to take a three musketeers shot!

And of course the obligatory shots with the falls behind!

Then we hopped back in the car and drove down the road a bit to the trailhead at Unicoi State Park that makes it's way around the lake. We thought this would be an amazing place to view some of the fall color even though it wasn't peak.

And we saw a little!

One cool thing we didn't expect was that there were some other fun things to do. Like go out on the long boat dock and take in the views. For those of you who know Gracie, she's not fond of long boat docks and we've had a lot of trouble helping her get over her fears of them. But we were so very proud of her, she ventured right down the boat dock and didn't show any hesitation at all! Way to go Gracie!

A little further into the hike we came up to a bridge that was built out of the same wooden slats that the dock is made of. Gracie made it 2/3 of the way across and started to belly down (her go to position when she's scared of these types of things). Mum gently put her hand on Gracie's back, gave me and Rach to Rocco's Mom, and Gracie stood up more confidently and walked on her own the rest of the way across the bridge. Good girl again!

We stopped for a little break for some treats! It's the spontaneous shots that always come out the best. Mum was getting out the treats, we gathered around all close together and Rocco's Mom had her phone camera ready and snapped this one! You just can't plan these type of shots!

Sometimes the best part of hiking days are the times we get home and get to enjoy a nice Moose antler chew. What a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. We love that second to last shot of the 4 of you posing for a picture. What a great shot! The falls are just magnificent! What a superfun hike!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly


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