
Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Big snow days!

Last week, we had our big snow dump!

Yep, on Monday we got three inches and it got very, very cold. Then on Wednesday night we got another six inches!

The best part is that after the six inches, it warmed up a lot so we actually got to enjoy all that snow!

It was Rach's first big snow and he loved it just as much as Gracie and I do.

It started snowing before dark on Wednesday, so we got to enjoy some of the big flakes coming down.

Gracie got covered!

We posed for some quick shots. Seems when it snows Gracie always has some on her nose!


Then we got our run on!

And got some more run on!

Gracie and I love to play snow fetch, but Rach never has! So Mum started teaching him, he almost got the hang of it before it all melted away.

And we got some more run on!

And some wrestle time!

The snow was cold after a while, especially since we only see this about once a year. So I hold my paw up when it gets cold and I get ice balls.

And speaking of ice balls, Gracie is the queen of them with her spaniel toes. She had her work cut out for her after our time in the snow!

Our mountain road doesn't have any more gravel on it, so we couldn't get down our steep, steep mountain until Sunday afternoon. Now the highs for this weekend may be near 60 degrees. I see a hike in my future!


  1. We love snow fun! Oh, and the pictures are great. Especially the three portraits from the second paragraph :)

  2. Glad you guys got to play in the snow before it all melted!

  3. Isn't snow just the very bestest, guys! It's so much fun! Great photos!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly


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