
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Black and White Sunday: Happy Birthday Wolfie!

Happy 21st Birthday to my kittie bro Wolfie (Wolfgang)!

Wolfie was the last of a little stray's litter born in my Mum's Mom’s yard in Indiana. He was the only one left as he would always run and hide from those interested in adopting. Mum was visiting one day and her Mom encouraged her to take a look at the elusive one. When she went to the back yard to see him he walked right up to her and rubbed my leg.

My GrandMom's mouth dropped open. Mum carried him to the front yard bench to decide if she wanted to take him home. Just then his kitty mom jumped up on the bench beside Mum...sniffed her, sniffed him, sniffed her and left. The signs couldn't have been clearer, Mum had to take him home.

To this day he only loves Mum and merely tolerates others. Over the years he's caught 100’s of mice on the hill behind our former house in Indiana and was trained to stay in my yard. Mum would say ‘boundary’ when he got to the lot line and he would turn around and go the other way. He’s only been sick one time in his life when he got salmonella from raw food and became anorexic. Mum finger fed him 20 times per day 'till he finally would eat on his own again. Before dogs he loved to sleep with Mum at night with his paw nestled in the palm of her hand.

Happy Birthday little one!


  1. Happy birthday, Wolfie! So glad you and your mom found each other!

  2. OMC! What a wonderful birthday for a beautiful cat. That is a lifetime of love. I had my first cat for 20+ years and wouldn't change a minute of that time. Happy, happy birthday Wolfie ♥

  3. Happy 21st Birthday, Wolfie! We hope you have many more!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. WOW! 21st :-) Happy Happy MEOW Day! Golden Woofs

  5. That is pretty amazing, 21! What a lucky Wolfie!

  6. What a great cat happy birthday Wolfie! Yup mom always says that cats find you not the other way around. Love Dolly

  7. Happy Birthday indeed Wolfie - you got a wonderful home and a life

    Abby the Lab

  8. I love Wolfi's story! Happy 21st birthday!! You & Mum were clearly meant to be together!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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