Over 1800 people lost their lives, and thousands, upon thousands of animals were left to fend for themselves.
Today I wanted to pause and remember, and hope that all of us have learned something from this terrible tragedy.
As I was reflecting today, I visited Petfinder.com's website. I remember two years ago, blogging and posting about the needs of the pups down in Katrina, and doing whatever I could here in Indiana to help by getting the word out about crews traveling to the Gulf Coast from Indiana and helping to solicit for needed supplies. I felt helpless, as I am sure many of you did.
Petfinder still maintains their Katrina (and other disaster) dbase. They have helped reunite over 3200 pets with their owners since Katrina and Rita. Thank you to them for continuing this massive endeavor.
During Katrina, there were so many stories of heroism, so many stories of sadness and hope, of loves lost and loves found. A very sad time, and a very awakening time.
This picture is of pup #PF62549, a Labrador Retriever mix, who doesn't have a name and who has still not been reunited with his owner following Katrina. He was rescued on Music Street in New Orleans following the Hurricane and brought to Los Angeles. A New Leash on Life in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, is his latest caretaker. And they are still trying to locate his owner. If you recognize this pup and know who he belongs to, contact them and help him find his family, wherever they may have landed on their feet.
And if you get the chance, visit these two pages:
- Katrinia Victims Tribute - a website devoted to remembering the victims of Hurricane Katrina...
- Cathy Stanley's Katrina Dog Rescue - an historical and informative site dedicated to those animals affected by this horrible tragedy...
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