But on this day he included me in his list of blogs that are different from his. He said "Johann The Dog is a blog by a dog, in case the title didn’t give that away. Johann can form sentences much better than most people on the Internet. His spelling is almost perfect, and his grammar is impeccable. Good boy! His blog is probably more successful than mine."
Thanks Neil, even though I'm a dog, I try to annunciate and be grammatically correct at all times! We so appreciate you mentioning us.
Then the nice folks over at BlogIntro.com featured my site the other day. Thanks guys! I like your links to blogging tips and tools!
And, I got a note the other day from the folks at Pets Blog Directory asking if we wanted to submit our blog. Well they put it up today! Yeah! If you want to get to know other pets through their blogs, check it out!

And, I got a note the other day from the folks at Pets Blog Directory asking if we wanted to submit our blog. Well they put it up today! Yeah! If you want to get to know other pets through their blogs, check it out!

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