Check back here, we may be able to gather some results info and vids!
To be eligible for this competition, dogs must have earned 6 Double Q's and 400 MACH points from the Regular Excellent B Standard and Jumpers with Weaves classes during the qualifying dates of December 1, 2006 through and including November 30, 2007.
Judges for this years event include: Laura English, Evansville, IN; Donald Farage, Jr., Bartlett, TN; Zera Holm, Fresno, CA; Rachel Long, Rosharon, TX; Jean Munger, Hampshire, IL; and Pamela Sturtz, Afton, NY. The event will include the AKC National Championship, and the AKC International State Team Tournament.
The American Kennel Club is announcing the addition of the National Agility Champion title this year. This title will be awarded to dogs that win their jump height at the AKC National Agility Championship. The overall winner for each jump height at the end of the event will be entitled to be designated the AKC “National Agility Champion” (NAC) of (year) and will be permitted to use the letters “NAC” preceding the AKC registered name of each dog winning this title.
The National Agility Championship will consist of Round #1 Excellent B Standard agility (all dogs). Round #2 Excellent B JWW Agility (all dogs). Round #3 Hybrid Standard/JWW Class (all dogs). Round #4 Challenger’s Class (only open to top 4 dogs per jump height as noted below from each of Rounds #1 through #3). Round #5 Championship Class (open only to top 57 [dependent on dogs entered in the 26” jump height] dogs overall through 3 Rounds of competition plus a maximum of 1 additional dog per jump height represented by the winners from the Challenger’s class).
Standard Course Times by jump height:
8” minimum of 2.55 yards per second
12” minimum of 2.70 yards per second
16” minimum of 2.85 yards per second
20” minimum of 3.10 yards per second
24” minimum of 3.10 yards per second
26” minimum of 3.10 yards per second
Jumpers With Weaves Course Times by jump height
8” minimum of 3.25 yards per second
12” minimum of 3.25 yards per second
16” minimum of 3.50 yards per second
20” minimum of 3.75 yards per second
24” minimum of 3.75 yards per second
26” minimum of 3.75 yards per second
Photography and video services will be provided by Great Dane Photo Bow Wow Video, and Sirius Photography.
Other key links for information:
Good luck everyone! And special good luck wishes to my friends competing from Indiana! I'll be sitting back on my teak outdoor furniture, cheering you on!
I have a friend who lives in Tulsa and she is beyond excited to go see the trials..