As many of you may know, the Dogwise.com show booth and staff were recently in Indianapolis, Indiana to sell books at the Indy Winter Classic in early February. Unfortunately we were unable to attend the show when our truck and trailer, with all of our equipment and inventory, were stolen the day before setting up. It was disappointing to our customers and for Bill and Judy--the Dogwise.com "Road Warriors." No inventory meant no show.
A piece of good news is that our truck was recently found abandoned in the parking lot of a strip club in Indianapolis. But our trailer is still out there somewhere, we suspect somewhere in the Midwest within 500 miles of Indianapolis. While we are actively working with the Indianapolis Police Department to recover our trailer and contents, we realized that we have many loyal customers in the area who could help us out. If you see a Wells Cargo Gooseneck Trailer that looks like it might be lost, abandoned, or generally out of place, would you please contact us? Also, if you see or hear about someone or some business having lots of dog books (who but Dogwise carries thousands of dog books and videos?) let us know right away. Please call 509-679-6966 anytime, or call the Dogwise office 8am-4pm Pacific Time at 800-776-2665. You can also call the Indianapolis Police Department Automobile Theft Department 317-327-2695, Trailer case #dp08019982.
The trailer we are looking for is similar to the one pictured here. It is white with no lettering on it. It had a Washington state license plate number 8092SY, but the plates may have been switched. We believe that the thieves thought there was something exciting in the trailer, like a race car or antiques, and once they realize their haul is more educational in nature, they'll just walk away. It could be anywhere, so keep a lookout. We sincerely appreciate your help.

How terrible .. best of luck in the recovery.