Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bath? Me?

Mum doesn't give me a lot of baths, one maybe every two or three months (oh, sometimes four). She brushes me and cleans off yucky stuff if I roll or get in the mud frequently. But a full bath? Not very often.

Lately I have been looking kind of messy, and I'm starting to blow my coat. It had been quite a while since my last bath, so guess what happened?

Yep, I got the dreaded bath last Saturday. Can you believe Mum gave me a bath the day between our agility trial days? What was she thinking? But I survived and I think I'm looking pretty good, see my britches?

Mum uses our favorite shampoo, Buddy Wash, lavender scent, which smells amazing. It's made from pure, natural ingredients and botanical extracts.

Of course, it wasn't a good time to take my pic after my bath. I didn't want to stay still, after bath is zoomin' time!


  1. u know, dogs in malaysia have wWEEKLY baths....

    but me having a lazy owner usually only got bath once in 2 months, n everyone including the family members feel that i'm yucky!

    yo, n after a horrible bathtime, i will zoom too, n roll myself on the grass... that feels so good!

  2. I hardly ever get baths but my Aunt Kathy did vacuum me when I stayed at her house...


  3. I get vacuumed too. Its not too bad,especislly if we leave the big part of the vacuum on the other side of a door. I kind of like it when we use my special dog brush attachment.


Thanks for barking in!

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