So Mum has decided it's time to get them sold, so maybe we can earn a little more money for agility.
This one is one of Mum's favorites. It was her desk in her room when she was going through grade school and high school. It's a beautiful antique wash stand with a marble top, and a tile backsplash. Mum has it appraised, but the antique dealer said he had absolutely no idea what to ask for it, it was so unique.
So Mum spent some time on the Internet searching eBay and other sites and we found some pieces very similar that were in the $500-$800 range. So Mum listed it on Craig's List. She got a few emails, but no firm offers. Mum gets kind of nervous to have strange folks come to the house, so she asked our neighbor to help get it down to the garage, so when people came to see the piece, she could just open the garage for them to see it.
We sold a few pieces - Mum's old dresser, a church bench that was a fitting stool for the youngsters at Grandpop's shoe store. But this piece hasn't been sold yet. So Mum's going to check out a place like iSold It and see if they can help her out. It's such a beautiful piece of furniture, it needs to have a good home.

i hope ur mum will get a good bargain